wooden and neat interior characterize this culture school in norway

wooden and neat interior characterize this culture school in norway

rakkestad culture school by oslotre and fragment


oslo-based practices oslotre and fragment have completed a culture school in the heart of rakkestad, a dedicated wooden municipality in norway. its materiality and profile celebrate the design language of the neighboring buildings. made entirely of wood and wood-based materials, it adapts to existing buildings in height and shape, forming a unifying cultural square.


the new culture school holds an open and inviting glass facade towards the square, where the entrance area and the main activity room are located. the facade consists of a profiled wooden cladding, divided into a pattern with a rhythm that follows the building’s other structuring principles — windows and glass elements follow the same rhythms.wooden and neat interior characterize this culture school in norway
all images by kyrre sundal



a clear and neat layout



the project led by oslotre and fragment is covered in solid wood over two floors with a gross area of ​​774 sqm. CLT load-bearing walls, slabs, and roof are insulated with wood fiber and clad using 100% ore-pine (heartwood of pine). by utilizing wood-based materials in all of its components the exterior wall construction allows for a dynamic and breathing facade.


the architects employed a very clear and neat layout, organizing the acoustic rooms along the north and east side of the building, while the more open and flexible areas facing the square in the south and west. service functions are gathered in a central core, acting as a room divider that allows movement to and from the rehearsal cells in a corridor without disturbing the adjacent rooms where might be a lesson. the ground floor contains special rooms for music, dance and theater, and ensemble rooms with a bigger height than other classrooms (4,8 m instead of 3). comparable to this level, the upper floor plan is somewhat smaller and includes mainly rehearsal cells and rooms for visual art.wooden and neat interior characterize this culture school in norway



color accents in the main rooms


a fully integrated ventilation system hidden behind the ceiling and walls allows air to circulate through timber slats without any visible appliance or grilles. a carefully chosen material palette includes visible CLT surfaces and pine timber slats in walls and ceiling. the architects selected green terrazzo flooring for some rooms, and warm red acoustic textile curtains add a playful touch to the otherwise muted interior. the building’s form and technical solutions made it possible to achieve a cost-effective construction while retaining high quality in detail.

wooden and neat interior characterize this culture school in norway

the school consists of special rooms for teaching music, dance, and arts


wooden and neat interior characterize this culture school in norway
celebrating timber materiality


wooden and neat interior characterize this culture school in norway
a welcoming facade


detail of the facade
detail of the facade
warm red acoustic textile curtains
warm red acoustic textile curtains

project info:


name: rakkestad culture school
designer: oslotrefragment

location: rakkestad, norway 

area: 760 sqm


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissionsfeature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: christina petridou | designboom

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